Thursday, September 16, 2010

PJ and Koen with the Chan Family

We had a mini-reunion with the Chan side of the family (Sam's mom). Cousin Ella and Rylyn as well as Great Aunt and Uncle Rita and Harrison and Matthew and Lauren visited from San Jose as well as Auntie Shu from the US.

PJ with Ella and Rylyn

Auntie Shu and Rylyn

Great Aunt Rita with Koen. Auntie Rita was reminiscing what it was like seeing Sam at that age and comparing him to the boys.

Grandma Wong with her four grandkids.

PJ loved spending time with Matthew and Lauren. They were so great in playing with both PJ and Koen.
Grandma Wong and Koen.

Overdue Update - PJ

PJ is now 3! He had his first real birthday party with many of his friends. He's really into hockey (hence the hockey cake - his choice). All the boys got a hockey stick as their party favour (the girls received other favours instead)

A few of PJ's favourite things include going to the zoo and riding the carousel:

playing hockey...

and even going camping for the first time with a number of his friends.

Past Overdue Update for Koen

Sorry for the long delay in posting, first an update on our youngest - Koen. He is almost one years old and is almost ready to walk. He's getting better with eating - loves to pick up his own food.

He loves playing with all of our remotes - more so than toys.

Koen loves smiling - especially when you smile at him...

Like all boys, he loves to climb stairs.