Saturday, January 31, 2009

PJ's first haircut

PJ awaiting his turn for his haircut - he was the fourth one in line

Keeping his hair sprayed with water in preparation for his first haircut

" Thanks Aunt Cora for cutting my hair"

We needed to distract with food (hence the baby mum mums in both hands)

All done!

Spending Christmas with Family and Friends - 2008

PJ surveying the tree and presents to be opened. Every night he would say good night to the Christmas tree and point out every "star" on it.

Sitting him his new chair - thanks Auntie Elle.

A picture with Grandma Wong before she left to visit Cousin Ella and await the arrival of Cousin Rylyn

"Picture with all the kids of my dad's friends! Can't believe we sat still enough for it."

"Picture with the mommy group and kids (Connor was asleep)"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

PJ - Year One, First Quarter

PJ getting ready for football season with dad

PJ on his "bike"

PJ already feels the pressure from others of being a musician someday - but loves music and toys that produce musical sounds

Learning to use the shakers

PJ with his first visit to Niagra Falls - pointing at the Canadian side falls from the hotel room.

PJ loves to eat

One of the things about PJ is his healthy appetite. His favourite foods are yogurt, pasta, bread, baby mum-mums (crackers) and raisins. He also loves to use his hands to pick up food to eat by himself. See video