Monday, October 12, 2009

PJ and Koen - already best buds

PJ has really shown no signs of jealousy (yet!) and enjoys being with Koen. He'll often ask where "Koen" or "Dye-Dye" is.

First picture - just the two of them on Koen's first day home.

Can you tell which one is PJ and which one is Koen or are they both the same boy? Answer below:

The answer is:
top one is PJ, bottom one is Koen.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Welcome Koen Christopher

Welcome Koen - October 1st, 2009 at 2:13am. Not as big as PJ but pretty close at 8 lbs 13 oz, but taller by an inch at 21.5 inches. Koen is a derivative of Cohen (Hebrew for Priest). Koen is also Dutch for Bold and Daring. The middle name of Christopher is to represent as Christ is being the center: Being Bold for Christ

Although the picture doesn't do it justice - PJ is happy to finally meet his little brother Koen.

The Cheng sisters strike a pose.

Sam giving Irene a break by having Koen sleep on daddy for a while.

Yes, he has cheeks!

Grandma Wong, who was wathcing PJ during his arrival, finally gets to meet her fourth grandchild.

PJ - Summer Fun

PJ's first trip to the Metro Zoo. Very interested in the pigs (as he was born the year of the pig)

One of the highlights of the summer was spending time with Ella in both Calgary and in Toronto. He still will ask where Ella is almost every time he goes to Grandma Wong's house

Thanks to Aunt Joyce for his customized dog at Build-A-Bear. Dog's name is Whoa-Whoa! When you ask him who get him the dog, he will say "Goo Jeah" and laugh.

Having fun at Whittamore Farm at the end of the summer. Going down the monster slide by himself and riding a mini-tractor and going on a hay ride with Ella, Owen and Austin were some of the highlights.